Monday, December 20, 2010

"Operation Santa"

This post really has nothing to do about me or my wheels but I thought it was important anyway.

Every Christmas we participate in the U.S. Postal Service program "Operation Santa." It helps needy kids who ask Santa for Christmas presents get their wishes fulfilled. The main post office on 33rd and 8th has tons of letters you can look through.

James E. Farley Post Office - NYC

"Dear Santa" letters waiting for you to read.

This is Peter Fontana, head of "Operation Santa" here in New York. A week and a half ago when my owner and "The Other Guy" went to read letters, the Santa Station was already closed. Peter was so nice that he got them a bunch of letters from the back to read and stayed open a little while longer. He said unfortunately the turnout this year had been very poor and since they get about 2 million letters each season, a lot would go unanswered, which is sad because a lot of these kids just ask for clothes or warm winter coats.

But when my owner went to mail our gifts today, look what happened...

The "Operation Santa" line was huge! All people waiting to mail their gifts!

There were so many packages, the post office couldn't keep up!

My owner saw Peter and asked what happened - he said a few days after they were there, USA Today did a story on the program and it got picked up by all the newspapers around the country as well as the network newscasts. He said the turnout has been unbelievable! Better than they ever thought.

If anyone is interested, above is a list of participating "Operation Santa" post offices around the country. Or click on their web site here to get more info. It's not too late!

(The above picture has nothing to do with "Operation Santa" but I just wanted to be included on the post.)

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