Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Nemesis

This is Jacqueline.

And this is her owner, Ellen. 

Ellen's family lives around the block from Grandma's and has three boxers...we all never hit it off. Ever since I was little I was fascinated with them - if I saw them in the park, I growled. If I heard them bark from their backyard, my ears went up. When we would play, I couldn't handle them. But I always want to hang out with them when they come to the park. It's a real love-hate relationship.

It's especially difficult now because we want to be together but because of my wheels and the fact the boxers play big, we don't get too close anymore. *sigh*

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Post Turkey Weekend

It has been unseasonally warm here in New Jersey this last week so we've been taking advantage and spending some time enjoying the park.

But for the most part it's been a pretty chill weekend with a lot of this...

A lot of this...

A lot of this...

And, mostly, a lot of this...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day!

The table at Grandma's

My view

I got my meal, too - with a little extra from the table :-)

Post dinner nap

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Recipe #2

Red Velvet Cupcakes




...and cream cheese frosting!

Pre-Thanksgiving Meal

The kitchen at Grandma's is full steam ahead and I took my usual position at the center of all the action. Pre-wheels, this is where I would hang out for crumbs, dropped food items and taste testing but now I am at the mercy of the chefs.

First recipe: apple cheesecake

Grandma lets me lick the extra cream cheese off the wrapper.

End result:

finished dessert

finished cream cheese.

Yard Work

Out back with Grandpa cleaning up the leaves. All this work is making me hungry so I'm going to head in to the kitchen with the girls soon for something to eat.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Off To The Suburbs

This week we came to New Jersey for Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's. That's my grandma above. She takes care of me when my owner's away. I love visiting because she's so good to me. I also love visiting because at the end of our block is a big, huge park with a walking path next to the river.

Grandma walked me today and we had some quality time together. It's so different here compared to the city! So many trees and open space! I love the city but it's nice to get out here for some fresh air and room to spread my wheels.

I especially like the leaf piles. They're so much fun to sniff around in.

The only problem is the leaves get caught up in my spokes and I sometimes get stuck. We have to clear 'em out every so often so I don't stall.

It was nice again today so we stayed out a little longer for our morning walk. The park is fun but exhausting - I can't stay out for hours like I used to. But that's ok because when we get home I get to do something else I can't do in New York...

...lie at the front door and enjoy the scenery!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friends, Part 4

In the last week I've met...

Wendy is visiting from Dallas for Thanksgiving. She has a pug at home named Jubei. She showed us a picture. Isn't he cute??

Sarah lives in Queens and works on the Upper East Side. She was visiting the neighborhood when she stopped to admire my wheels.

This guy was visiting from Baltimore. He asked if he could take my picture. I told him, of course, I'm used to it now.

This is Susan. She lives around the corner and has a cat she rescued. Her friend had a dog that had back leg problems and she stopped to ask about my cart.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Other Guy

I think we know each other well enough now that I can share a sensitive issue.
My owner and I have been together for over 9 years - the two of us, on our own. Yea, there have been friends and "more than friends" that have come and gone but we always were a team of two...until last year.

My owner has invited a third member into our small group. I was consulted but I don't think my opinion really mattered much. He's nice enough - good belly rubs, sneaks me treats - but I'm not sure how I feel about sharing the spotlight.
For example: the bed.

I stay on the right side. I sleep on the right side. I chew on the right side.
That's my side.
Until now...



See what I mean? This other guy has taken over and I really don't know how to handle it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty much number one - just with some concessions. Which I guess is ok.

We've gotten to know each other better over this last year and he's not all that bad. He treats me well and, better yet, he treats my owner well so that scores points in my book. It ends up I like him a lot. It's actually nice to have another guy around!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Kindness Of Strangers

On my morning walk today there was a man unloading restaurant uniforms from a truck and as we went by he said, "God bless you." We stopped to talk - his name is Alejandro and he had a poodle a few years back that had problems with its hind legs but there weren't the types of doggie carts they have now. He said he still hurts about it all this time later.

He wanted to pick me up for the photo and before I could do anything he scooped me up to pose! As you can see from my expression I wasn't too sure about this. Luckily I landed back on the ground in one piece.

Before we left, Alejandro jumped back into his truck and said he had a gift for me...

He gave us a bunch of hand towels we might need to clean my paws, dry me off, cushion my wheelchair or whatever! It was so nice of him! I really liked Alejandro. I hope we bump into him again. (And he keeps me on the ground next time.)