Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hi Folks! Welcome to my blog...

Unfortunately, I have no use of my back legs so a few months ago my owner got my this nifty wheelchair and ever since, I've been a pretty popular guy in the neighborhood. In fact, since I got these wheels, everybody wants to say hi - I'm lovin' the attention! So I decided to start this blog to document my comings and goings and to show other canine friends in my position that there's still a lot of stuff out there for us to conquer! 
This past June I was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy but I knew something was wrong long before. Towards the beginning of this year my back leg was starting to slip out from under me - only occasionally and not too noticeable. In February I came down with a terrible ear infection and wasn't able to eat or walk straight, that's when the downhill slide started. By the time my neurologist checked me out this summer, I was already starting to fall over when walking, stopped jumping onto the bed, you know, regular doggie stuff. My owner made a harness for me but I didn't care for it much.
One day we took a ride up to Massachusetts to a place called Eddie's Wheels and I got a cart and a new lease on life. Instead of staying inside and feeling sorry for myself, I'm now scootin' around Manhattan, hanging around the neighborhood and making friends. 

I'm excited to share my adventures with you.

As a friend of my owner said: "I got a long way to go and a short time to get there."