Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rainy Days

If this picture looks a little blurry it's because the wind was so strong! Our string of decent weather ended today with what you see above. I never liked the rain (I don't like getting wet, in general) and today was no exception.

My owner crafted me this nifty rain gear so it wouldn't be too bad.

My usual spots were all waterlogged and the path I usually use to cross fields was flooded out.

But we bravely rolled on, did our business and headed home. As you can imagine, it was a short trip.

Heading back was full of puddles as well...

I think I'm going to dry off, get a snack and spend the rest of the day inside.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Monty - looks like ya had a great!
    Thanksgiving! Wish my Mom had made me
    Red Velvet cupcakes (if you're reading this
    HINT,HINT) but I'm on that special diet
    Bleck, Boring :(-!
    I guess til ya get back to the hood I'll have to keep up with you here
    xoxoxo LoLa
