Friday, November 5, 2010

Watch Out Back There!

It's been a rainy couple of days here in NYC so I haven't been out much but we got a break so I'm on the move again!

I generally walk once around the block twice a day but that's sometimes extended depending on my...ahem..."business." I like the extra walk time, though, because it gives me more opportunities to meet people.

This is Ebi. He's a dog lover with a mixed breed dog at home so he stopped to ask about my legs and we got to talking - he's Nigerian, born in Ireland and lived in London. I noticed Ebi was very stylish - a sharp raincoat with nice shoes and cool, cuffed jeans all topped off with a super red velvet bow tie - and for good reason. He is a fashion stylist who was coming from an interview at a big hip-hop company. He's excited because they asked him to come back the next day for a follow up. We got his info - maybe he can stylize my wheels!
Good luck Ebi!!

We also met Eric who lives nearby. He had a collie about ten years ago who had the same problem as me. He didn't know about doggie wheelchairs back then but after seeing me he said he wish he did.
While talking to Eric I had to "excuse myself" but my owner was too busy talking to notice - which resulted in this......

You snooze, you loose.

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